Jesus at the Center of the Kingdom

Jesus at the Center of the Kingdom

Perry Duggar, Bryan Jones and J.C. Thompson

June 23, 2024  through  August 11, 2024

In this 8-week series, we learn what it truly means to center our lives on Jesus and His Kingdom, allowing His teachings to shape our thoughts, actions and relationships.

Attitudes and Actions

June 23, 2024

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus teaches us to have the right attitudes and actions for godly living. This helps us better understand the Kingdom of God and our role within it.



June 30, 2024

In Matthew 5:13-16, Jesus says His followers are like salt that adds flavor and light that shines in the dark. As Christians, we should let our good deeds shine for everyone to see so people will praise God.



July 7, 2024

In Matthew 5:17-20, Jesus says He came to fulfill God's laws, not to get rid of them. He teaches that people must follow God's laws and have greater righteousness than the teachers of the law to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.



July 14, 2024

In Matthew 5:21-26, Jesus says not only is murder wrong, but so is being angry or insulting others. He teaches us to reconcile and make peace with others quickly to avoid judgment and settle disputes before they get worse.



July 21, 2024

In Matthew 5:27-30, Jesus says not to even look at someone with lust, as it's like committing adultery in your heart. He teaches us to remove anything that leads to sin and how to deal with lust in a godly way.


Divorce and Oaths

July 28, 2024

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus clarifies and expounds on teachings prevalent in His day. In Matthew 5:31-37, He teaches us to prioritize marriage and reconciliation. He tells us not to make oaths or swear by anything. Instead, prioritize truthfulness.


That's Not Fair

August 4, 2024

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus teaches us to resist the urge to retaliate when life is unfair. As His followers, we must live according to Scripture, even when it's counter-cultural and unpopular.


Love My Enemies

August 11, 2024

Jesus teaches us to love our enemies and pray for those who hurt us. He says to be kind to everyone, just like God is. By doing this, we show we are God's children.
