The God Who Sits
Then as I looked, I saw a door standing open in heaven, and the same voice I had heard before spoke to me like a trumpet blast. The voice said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must happen after this.” And instantly I was in the Spirit, and I saw a throne in heaven and someone sitting on it.
Revelation 4:1-2 (NLT)
After a hard day’s work, one of the things I love doing is sitting in my recliner. Maybe I’m getting old, but it’s one of my favorite things! I typically only sit in it at the end of the day because there’s work to be done before then. Simply put, I only sit after the work for that day is done. One of the things that gives me so much confidence for the future is God’s posture. He’s not pacing frantically back and forth, wondering what will happen. He’s already fought and won the battle over sin, death, Satan and hell. So now, after that hard day’s work, what’s He doing? He’s sitting. He’s at peace because He knows how the story ends.
Sometimes my friends will watch recordings of sports games after their favorite teams have already played. If you hadn't looked closely, you would’ve thought it was a present game. But it’s not. It’s a past victory. Knowing the outcome allows my friends to avoid nervousness, even during bad plays or seemingly hopeless situations. They know who’s going to win in advance.
God knows the outcome of your life and your future, and it’s one of victory if you surrender to Him. He knows the scoreboard in your life. Sin, death, Satan and hell might seem to be winning at times, but God knows the game ends in victory. Let this picture build confidence in you. Think about this: in the book of Revelation, Jesus is never seen fighting again. Only His angels are. Why? Because He's already won, and when He shows up, the enemy is reminded of that. If you know the final score, you don’t have to fear the bad plays. Don’t let the enemy get your eyes off God. Satan might seem bigger than you, but God towers over Him. You must know your enemy, but even more so, know your Savior. Jesus is a conquering King, and nothing can knock Him off the throne. Rest in that today, and let faith rise up in you.
Application: Remember that God has defeated sin, death, Satan and hell, so you have nothing to fear.
Prayer: Ask God to remind you of His victory. Spend a moment thanking Him that sin, death, Satan and hell no longer hold power over you. Ask God to set you free if you feel their control in any area. Ask the Spirit to give you deep peace to live free in Him.
“… Our Father in heaven…” Matthew 6:9b (NLT)
- What do You want to say to me today as my Father?
“… may Your name be kept holy.” Matthew 6:9c (NLT)
- What do You want to reveal to me about Your power today?
“May Your Kingdom come soon.” Matthew 6:10a (NLT)
- Help me make Your priorities my priorities today.
“Give us today the food we need,” Matthew 6:11 (NLT)
- Is there anything specific You want me to do with my time or the people I’m around today?
“and forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us” Matthew 6:12 (NLT)
- Reveal to me anyone I need to forgive or ask for forgiveness.
“And don’t let us yield to temptation…” Matthew 6:13a (NLT)
- Is there anywhere I’m vulnerable to temptation?